

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.  The first heaven and the first earth disappeared, and the sea vanished.  And I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband.  I heard a loud voice speaking from the throne: “now God’s home is with mankind! He will live with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them, and He will be their God.  He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.  There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain.  The old things have disappeared.”  (Revelation 21: 1-4)


A recent ABC poll stated that 89% of American’s believe in heaven.  Of these, three quarters (66%) doubted that they would ever get there physically.  Most people believe in heaven, they just are not SURE that they will get there.

The most important thing we can do in this life is to insure where you will be spending the next.  Nothing else matters as life is short and eternity is forever.

Heaven should be on our minds continuously as it should be our ultimate destination.  Heaven is where God resides on His throne.  It’s where Jesus sits at His right side, forever interceding for us.  It’s where the Angelic Realm resides.  It’s where all those who have put their faith in Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior reside.

Heaven is a place of joy where there will be no more death, grief, crying, or pain. (Revelation 21).

Heaven is place that God has prepared for us from the creation of the world. (Matthew 25:34)

In heaven, we will be like angels, with glorified bodies, who do not marry. (Matthew 22:30)

What's most important to remember is that as Christians, we are now “citizens of heaven” (Philippians 3:20).  This means that we should talk, think, and act like we reside there already.  When God grants us citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven, we become new creatures. He sends His Holy Spirit to indwell in us and our bodies become His temple. The Holy Spirit begins to transform our sinful, worldly desires into those that glorify God.

We are told also to “store up for ourselves riches in heaven.”  (Matthew 6:19)   Our heart will always be where are riches are.  We are to work toward those goals that bring a heavenly reward as opposed to working toward worldly, temporary, goals that don’t last.

Additional References: Matthew 7:21, John 14: 1, 1 Corinthians 2:9

A Must Read Book - Available At Amazon

 Highly Recommended 

For ten years our relationship was horrible. We couldn't stand to look at each other, let alone be around each other. Satan wanted to keep it that way because he knew that God had a ministry for us. He tried for a long time to keep that from happening. God has brought us from a long way together. We went through some dreadful experiences with each other. But to God be the glory. What Satan has tried to stop, we rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and is now able to tell our story and to help someone out. We hope that the experiences and prayers in this book will be a blessing to you. We are ready to be used by God in any way possible. We love God and the people He brings our way. This is not our testimony but God's testimony.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Journal

Humanity Has a Date With Destiny -Where Will America Stand


We are supposed to know the “times and seasons.” To understand the prophetic times and seasons we are living in, we must be on God’s calendar. It will show that we are now entering a season of War and the Tribulation is just a few years away. It is time to repent!

Our calendar is based only on the sun. The Islamic calendar is based only on the moon. God’s calendar is based on both. If we don’t know the seasons, we will be plucking at planting time and planting at plucking time! Every generation God say’s will wage a war with Amalek. This generational war is NOW! The Heavens declare it! We need to recognize it! 

El Shaddai Ministries 

From a Christian's Perspective

Author: Brad D. Nelson PhD
Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective

Whether you and your family are experienced deployers or first-timers, deployments are arguably one of the most challenging and unsettling experiences you’ll ever have. As exemplary of a job the military does to prepare servicemembers and their families for both the knowns and the unknowns, only God, who knows the end from the beginning, and the best and safest route for us to take, can bridge the gap between human limitation and the miraculous, from unbridled anxiety to a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Walk with me through this unrestrained guidebook as I share mine and my family’s journey from fear to faith, from skepticism to divine perspective and awe. Suggestions are provided on how to process the announcement, informing loved ones, understanding the cycle of emotions, getting one’s affairs in order, and a host of other invaluable insights. Bottom line up front: Don’t leave home without Christ!

Brad D. Nelson, Ph.D., is from Hillsboro, OH, and is a 2023 Marquis Who's Who Listee and active-duty Air Force officer assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Mr. Nelson is active in his church and community, a "Big Brother" for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America, and an impassioned advocate for improving the plight of Returning Citizens. His favorite Old Testament scripture is, "The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30). Mr. Nelson and his wife (Amanda) call the Dayton, Ohio, area home.

Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at God's Guidance on the Battlefield.

Life Changing, Filled With Kingdom Principles and the Word of God

 A Worthy Read

Get your copy of Speaking the Truth in Love: Navigating the Waves of the Culture at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.  For more information about the author and his book visit

New Book Release by Author Mike Sears

Order Your Copy Today!

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Male Functioning Book

Understanding End Time Prophecy

 Will The World Come To An End

For more information about Dr. Andrew C. S. Koh and his books visit:

Spiritual Planning, Friendship with God, Meditation, Praying in the Spirit, Deliverance, Fasting

Encounter the One and True Living God?

Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus by Jeff Mootz teaches pivotal, individual discipleship and intimacy with Jesus through a comprehensive step-by-step guide in Going Deeper that includes an 8 Step Module. Personally interactive (also for small groups, churches, or prayer groups), this incredible book is an easy-to-read and practical guidebook that gives readers the “how to” come close to encountering Jesus! 

This is what we are all longing for. We are taught that prayer is communion with God. However, how many really do encounter the One and True Living God? This is a book that will help readers go deeper into praise, worship, and the Word, leading to encountering Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This book will lead to a genuine and deeper relationship with Jesus and mentor many spiritual mothers and fathers. 

Each module has been developed with practical reading assignments and prayer assignments. This is also an intimate discipleship tool for those who desire to become spiritual mentors. Within this book, he builds a structure that will take time through the 8 Prayer Modules of Spiritual Planning, Friendship with God, Meditation, Praying in the Spirit, Deliverance, Bible Study, Fasting, and the Throne Room ushering in a Biblical and passionate study guide bringing firm dedication to the Lord with a heart of full surrender. 

Challenging readers to look at certain heart issues brings a commitment that stems from a loving relationship with encountering Jesus. These steps are fostered on a daily basis. Communication and friendship flow with the Holy Spirit. Readers not only encounter the Lord but hear from Him themselves. This is truly an amazing study guide!

Jeff Mootz is a seasoned prayer minister and pastor with over 16 years of experience in leadership with a degree from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. This book comes highly recommended for those that want to “go deeper” and truly know the will of the Lord and better understand His Word, and also for those that truly desire to be led by the Holy Spirit, to include the discovery of their own giftings in the Lord.

Additionally, this study guide, Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus is a well-balanced book that brings enrichment and knowledge to the soul through the daily Bible study, tears down strongholds and blockages of the enemy, and so much more…leading to blessings. 

“To Know Him is to love Him, to serve Him is to obey Him and only those that follow Him will be those that become spiritual mothers and fathers disciplining others and their children in the Lord. 

Going Deeper:
40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus
By: Jeff Mootz
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

Get your copy of Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus at Amazon. For more information about the author and his ministry visit Prayer DiscipleshipYou may also order your copy of Jeff's Mootz book directly from the author at Going Deeper and at The Prayer Discipleship Shop where you can also find more information about The Going Deeper Course.

Christian Principles and Children

 Pastor Louise On The Importance of Christian Principles and Raising Children God's Way!

Pastor Louise Clayton draws upon Scripture and her own experiences as a mother and grandmother to teach how to raise our children in a Godly fashion. 

In today's world where children are distracted and drawn away from the Church and Christian principles, especially the intensely secular world of public education, the IT universe (think of cell phones used by children ten to twelve hours a day), and the emphasis on pleasing one's self, she takes us to the Bible for the lessons that transcend time and history, related to truth, honesty, self-sacrifice, obedience (especially to parents!), and, ultimately, to God and Jesus for answers on how to live.

For more great videos and ministry visit Louise Clayton at Lawrence Clayton on YouTube. You can also visit Louise at Bible Studies With Louise Clayton

Available at Amazon and In Kindle

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Kim Vogler’s Newest Edition of her book Home After Dark (Volume 2) presents her life’s memoir. Growing up in an idyllic setting in the 40’s and 50’s of suburban Idaho, her title, Home Before Dark, speaks of a time of innocence, as mother’s would say to their children to “be home before dark.” This era was encapsulated by tradition and routines wherein families could thrive. Dad worked; mom ran the house. Kim writes to reveal her childhood years, growing up loving writing and poems passed on by her father’s love of poetic writing, as she writes of the often challenging and confusing times through young adulthood into college, on to career, a failed marriage heartbreak to finding true love and success. She resoundingly states that God got her through it all! 

Revealing a young woman’s hopes to find life unfold into an adventure for self-discovery during the turbulent 60’s and finding new beginnings after heartbreak. Her resilient nature and faith in God reveal a book that wants readers to know that yes, the devil is alive and active, yet God is the One Who will get one through it all!   

As a talented author and writer, her love for writing is revealed in this book as well, professionally done, she offers hope to readers while bringing an entertaining read to the table for all that need encouragement, hope, and understanding. 

With a vibrant heart and a spirit-filled with tenacity, Kim writes to help readers understand the grace of God around every corner that not only helped her through really difficult times in her life, but points readers to the only One who can get us through difficult seasons of life.  

A Must Read! 

“Memories are like threads in the tapestry of life. Some are dark, others vibrant, but without the contrast, very drab indeed!” ~ Kim Vogler -- You may get your copy of Home Before Dark at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Support Those In Need In Haiti - Aid-4-Haiti

A Must Read Book and A Honorable Cause

The purpose of Aid-4-Haiti is to advocate for Haitian people who are dying from hunger due to the catastrophic environmental events that they have encountered. By donating to Aid 4 Haiti, you will improve the living conditions of those in need.  You may purchase the book at Peace! Be Still! 

A New and Exciting Daily Devotional

Daily Scripture Reading Plan, Bible Study
& Creative Journal for 365 Days for Women)
By Valerie Wolfl

CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Bible Verses for Today: (Daily Scripture Reading Plan, Bible Study & Creative Journal for 365 Days for Women) by Valerie Wolfl, a multi-published author, is an invigorating and uplifting way to incorporate daily Bible reading. Each day highlights three scripture verses by subject and gives readers a chance to journal, write notes, prayer requests or other needs that will facilitate personal and spiritual growth with the application of the author’s tailored Application Guidelines. 

Subjects such as: Faith, Troubles, Patience, Strength – 365 subjects in all. Each day becomes its own canvas. Readers can also color the borders of each daily devotional, or even choose to decorate with stickers or colored ink stamps. 

Readers are challenged and inspired to journal their own personal understanding or experience of the subject and verses. The author is a talented and gifted author. She has created a fun and effortless way to study, remember and journal with an artistic flair. Included are 3 full-page color for a therapeutic way to focus on the Word of God. 

Whether new to the Lord, or a mature believer in Christ, this book will help readers find a relaxing and uplifting way to incorporating the Word of God, prayer, and discipleship that fosters understanding, insight and increases love, joy, peace, faith, and perseverance.  
Additionally, this beautiful and creative book would make a great gift for anyone needing positive encouragement in a creative format. 

Bible Verses for Today: Daily Scripture Reading Plan, Bible Study & Creative Journal for 365 Days for Women, also comes highly recommended as a gift for oneself, family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors. 

The Incredible Birth and Life of Jesus, the Messiah

Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

The Magi’s Man: A Shepherd’s Story by A.I. Wexler based on a concept by Mark Cordona, is an exciting and unique look into the long-awaited birth of The Messiah and so much more!

Written to display the glory of The Son of God, The Father, and Christ’s sacrifice for humankind. His death on a cruel Roman cross displays His great love for all humanity and the arrival of The Holy Spirit completes the New Covenant. Readers will not be disappointed with the content and deep symbolism, giving honor and glory to the One Who died for all.

Eli, a shepherd from the tribe of Levi, witnesses the angelic announcement of the birth of The Savior in the sacred area of Bethlehem. After experiencing the awe-inspiring announcement, he is witness to the gifts and offerings when presented to the young Messiah. The treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from the Magi emphasizes the value of the child and Eli is ever faithful to honor his lifelong commitment recording events in the life of The Savior for the regal visitors.

Recounting the human side of the amazing birth, the author reminds readers that God worked and works through humble individuals. The author has woven a fictional account of Eli telling the Biblical story of the Savior’s life, giving full credence to scriptural concepts and principles. This personal presentation of the incredible birth and life of Messiah brings the glory of Heaven and Yeshua (Jesus), the Jewish Messiah, into the forefront for all to read and enjoy.  

Each step and phase of Eli’s life unfolds the revelation of the Messiah, the promised King of Israel with a keen sense of detail. The author has a way of storytelling that seems to work into the reader’s soul. Filled with vivid descriptions, adventure, scriptural truths, and romance, one will discover the secrets of a well-kept clay encased scroll unveiled by Eli. The extraordinary parchment reveals wonderful facets in this gem of a story.

The Magi’s Man comes highly recommended and will quickly become a family favorite. It is a masterfully told epic tale of the mystery of the ages as revealed through the Bible and this telling of The Magi’s Man: A Shepherd’s Story will entertain and inspire. 

This should become a classic! You may get your copy of The Magi’s Man at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. For further information about the author and the book visit The Magi's Man or A Shepherd Story. 

Finding Victory In Everyday Life

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women has Inspirational Scriptures, Powerful Prayers, Meaningful Positive Affirmations, and Dynamic Images to get your days starting joyfully and your nights ending serenely.

Each morning and night contain a scripture, a prayer, a positive affirmation, and an image. Each page also has a place to write the date as you read and a place to write notes.

This is the all-in-one devotion that you need. It is the most complete and comprehensive devotion written, from my point of view. 

No scripture, prayer or positive affirmation is repeated. All the prayers and positive affirmations are unique to the scriptures that they’re with. You will not be bored reading this devotion. It’s different from any other devotion that you’ve read before. This is written in an interesting and engaging style to get you reading each morning and night without skipping a day.

This devotion starts from Day 1 and goes to Day 365. This means that you can start using this book at any time during the year. It’s not based on calendar year but rather YOUR year. This devotion will give you the chance to somewhat read the entire Bible, or at least get you close to doing that in 365 days.

This devotion tells the story of God and His agape love for His most beloved creation…us. This devotion is written to be read over the course of a year. However, if you find that you can’t wait to complete it over a year’s time, then go right ahead and read it how you want to read it. This devotion was written to assist you in living the best spiritual and temporal lives that you can. It was also written to make you enjoy reading the Bible and understand what it is about. This devotion is intriguing, fascinating, and a page-turner.

Once you’ve finished reading this devotion, you should understand who God is, why He did what He did for humanity, and what we need to do to be saved. Also, it tells what will happen to the heavens, to Earth and everything in it once God makes His appearance again to us.

This devotion is chronologically done, from before the beginning of creation unto the end of it. The entire story of the children of Israel is chronologically told from all the books of the Old Testament. The chronological story of Jesus Christ is also told. It also tells of the apostles who took over spreading the Gospel after Jesus left Earth. All the books of the New Testament are used to write about Jesus and His apostles. To make reading this devotion more interesting, suspenseful, and exciting, the story of the Israelites and the story of Jesus Christ are intertwined. However, they are still easy to follow.

This devotion has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to help you deal with personal problems such as alcoholism, overeating, suicide, and rape. It also has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to deal with major life problems like racism and environmental issues. Additionally, it has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers about spiritual facts such as the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, why there is no mandatory tithing now, and baptism in Jesus’ name. There are also other personal lessons, life lessons, and spiritual lessons that are addressed to help you live the best temporal life and spiritual life that you can, so that you can have the best of both worlds.

This devotion is good for:
  • Women who want to improve and be a better version of themselves.
  • Women who are looking for a fun way of reading the Bible.
  • Women who are looking for a new devotion.
  • New believers.
  • Long-time Christians.
  • Former Christians.
  • Teenagers.

This masterpiece is more than a devotion, more than a novel, more than history book, and it will mean more to you than you know, so invest in getting one today.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women is available at Amazon.

A Must Read Book by Debbie L. Cole

 For more information visit

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