The Light of the World by Hazel Pinder

The beam of light was revealing, penetrating and exposing everything in the world.

For those who searched for truth it was a lighthouse revealing all in its beam. It shone out, alerting all to the dangers which were quite apparent when you read the charts. Although society for the most part was oblivious to any danger, content on forging their own pathway. People accepted the light but were contemptuous of it, and its owner the harbour master. Feeling themselves superior, they regarded the sciences the ultimate approach to everything as absolute. Often laughing in derision at the need for protection, while maintaining utter contempt for all the holy charts and truth.

Others naïve, believed it was alien to follow old fashioned concepts given by the harbour master. They chose other pathways to find truth, and ignored the idea of danger that the charts foretold.

Although watching closely was a powerful clever assailant. He had been intent on controlling and ruling society surreptitiously, for years. His very aim was to discredit the harbour master, and to become greater than him. With total evil intentions, his aim was power and domination.

He set up a modern system of deception to trick everyone. Allowing people to imagine that they were actually in control. Intent on showing his power, he performed miracles. Putting in place marvellous signs which were a web of dark degenerate goals for his own aims.
He endeavoured to do even more, by ridiculing all who had followed the harbour master and the charts. Sadly many of the harbour masters friends thought that he was genuine, and were swept into believing his deception. Totally deluded, they discarded truth and believed the supernatural phenomenon was from the harbour master. Deception was everywhere and no-one was bothered, swept away by the mighty miraculous powers.

Although some of the harbour master's friends, pointed out that he was the man of lawlessness, but were laughed at and finally shut away. Others shrugged their shoulders in an apathetic state, they were able to meet in their churches so what was the problem?
But the harbour master was ready to return, with his might and power. He is an amazing God, who can knock the lawlessness one down, with his breath. He knows his people and will come for them, but sadly many had drifted far away, they no longer want to be rescued. Matthew 7 verses 21-23.... not everyone who says to me....Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven....or.....Lord did I not cast out demons in your name ….and I will declare to them I never knew you, depart from me you workers of lawlessness......

Where will you be at that time reader, can you discern the seasons and read the charts? Do you understand your responsibility to discern all and measure it with the word of God? Could it be that the rose that looks so beguiling, with a texture of velvet. Actually has thorns that will poison you once you pick it up. Recognise your limitations, and allow the Holy Spirit to direct you in your life, come close to God and He will come close to you!

2 Thessalonians....Don't let anyone deceive you in any way.......rebellion will come and the man of lawlessness revealed.....he will oppose all and set himself up as a god!......
Ephesians 5.....Be careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity......