Safety In The Face of Disaster

Have you ever been in a desert when a sandstorm is raging, or up a mountain when the mist comes down?

Life can be like that bewildering, when something crazy happens and all of a sudden you can't see the way forward, and you feel as if you are slipping into a disaster!

Many hundreds of years ago, a group of men felt like that, travelling to a place called Jerusalem with their leader. While on their way, suddenly people started shouting and cheering this man, bizarrely standing along the road throwing palm branches down, and waving to him as he rode past.

Although another extraordinary happening occurred, when a few days later, that same man was hunted and hung on a cross to die! How perverse is that, and now they were outside his grave...who would have thought it? 
His friends, who had viewed their leader's public death, were broken confused and in great grief. Everything was finished, gone, and they were in fear of reprisals, and with so many unanswered questions. They had thought that he was going to be made into a great leader, but the truth was; they were now huddled together rushing home to hide away, fearful!

They spoke in whispers, why hadn't they done more to save him, said something, just the same things we ask ourselves when disaster strikes us in today's world? The significance of this story is hard to imagine unless someone has shown you something else, the key.

The men here, actually found the key and realized the bigger picture in all its simplicity quite soon. In this one man's death, there was a plan for all humanity it wasn't a difficult puzzle, the key was in the cross where a gift was hidden for all people!

Those men had found that to their amazement, His death wasn't an ending it was just a beginning! Once they had found this out, they wanted all to know, to also find the secret to life and yes, it is a gift for everyone.

They had found hope and a future, and they couldn't wait to pass the news on, whatever it cost them. Because they had found the Saviour of the world, He was the key and yes, He died for all!

In spite of your circumstances, the fog and despair that surround you, the Lord Jesus, can help you, and bring you salvation. We live in uncertain times, when we don't know what tomorrow may bring.....but the key is the answer, for He, is the Saviour of the world!

Our God gave His Son to die for all mankind and He tells us to call to Him, and He will show us great and mighty things we do not know!

The disciples found that the cross didn't end their life with the Lord, it had just begun, and yours can today, why not invite the Saviour of the world, to become your Saviour too, He is just a prayer away, for everyone! John 3 v16

Written by Hazel Pinder, author of The Promise of Heaven.