Forgiveness and Forgetting by Henry Miranda

 Forgiving and Forgetting
To Be Forgiven

Unforgiveness hold you back from receiving all of God’s blessings, because unforgiveness is a hindrance to faith, prayer and especially a hindrance to our ability to love. Unforgiveness is a demonic spirit. It is spawned from the pits of hell. Unforgiveness becomes things like: bitterness, resentment, hatred, violence, temper, anger, retaliation, distrust, envy, suspicion, jealousy, and rebellion.

I think the only reason that my father married my mother was for convenience, my father's first wife died, leaving three children behind so, then it appeared that he had a dilemma on his hands, he needed somebody to raise his children? My father was never a dad for us, (meaning that he was never with us). I don't ever recall living with my father.

As we were growing up, my father would promise to take us places, but most of the time he never went through with it, he would get into a fight with his girlfriend and turn around and take us home. I don’t think my dad knew about love, having 34 children in this world. He moved to Detroit I guess I must've been around 10 years old. One day He called my mother to tell her that he wanted us to live with him in Detroit. He told my mother to check us out of school and to get us ready and he would "sent" the tickets to us.

My mother checked us out of school and we prepared to move. My father then called, he had changed his mind. You could only imagine the embarrassment of having to go back to school and face your friends. My friends made fun of me which brought a lot of resentment and anger towards my father for putting me in this, predicament. I always had unforgiveness for my father for all the predicaments he put my family through.

Sometimes it seems that it is too hard to forgive someone for hurting you. But it’s not you that are actually doing the forgiving, but the Holy Spirit in us if we truly belong to God. When we accepted Jesus, it is when we totally surrendered our life to God. That being the case he took all of our infirmities, all of our feelings, and all of our emotions. How can we harbor unforgiveness if we have totally surrendered to God? I had unforgiveness for my father thru out my Christian life, but that didn't stop god’s blessings. Having dealt with my unforgiveness God's blessings are more abundant and my struggles in life are much easier. My life is more productive and I have a peace that I didn't have before.

God in having forgiven us, He treats us as if our sins, never occurred. God does not hold our sins against us. In that sense, we must "forgive and forget." If we forgive someone, we must act as if that whatever was done to us never occurred. We must strive for forgiving and forgetting past hurts, offenses, problems, and failures in our lives in order to keep moving forward in our Christian life no matter what someone has said or done to you. We must not have any bitterness and anger towards that person.

To forgive means we choose not to remember the offense against us any longer. We are literally offering that person a clean slate. We must relate to that person as though the offense had never happened. To forgive means to choose to live as though the thing or things that were done to you never happen. By forgiving and pressing forward, we gain strength, maturity, understanding, and patience. Forgetting may be hard at times, but that is what we need to do when we come to Christ. For we become a totally new person. We are not the same as before we came to Christ so we need to put our mind on pressing ahead towards the goal that God has set before us. For We all have a purpose.
Looking back keeps us from serving God as we should. Forgiving and forgetting is what is needed for true freedom in our Christian life. We cannot have anything that would keep us from moving forward. The devil will take advantage of anyone who refuses to forgive someone. Holding unforgiveness makes us vulnerable to his attacks. The devil, or shall I say Satan uses the unforgiveness that we have for others in our lives to claim his right to work in our lives. That is why it is very important to know that we cannot receive forgiveness from God unless we forgive others. 

When we hold unforgiveness in our heart it puts us in a prison of guilt. We are unable to receive our own needed forgiveness from God. We need to be guiltless of unforgiveness to be able to overcome the trials of Satan. We must never permit any unforgiveness to enter into our minds. No matter what someone has done or said about you. You must not allow it to affect your daily walk with Christ.

The most asked question from most Christians is why hasn't God answered my prayer? We seem to have everything in order, we pray, wait upon the Lord, and still no answer to a prayer. Could it be that we may have unforgiveness buried deep in our sub conscience? The Holy Spirit will answer that question for you, all you need is to ask the Holy Spirit.

If we, being regenerated, being made a new creation in Christ, and all the old has passed away, hold any unforgiveness? Yes, It is in the flesh that unforgiveness roams. That's why the Scriptures teach us to stay in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

I can say that I have forgiven my dad for the things in the past, but can there still be a lingering unforgiveness in my subconscious? Maybe, and If there is and I belong to Christ, I can safely say it's not my problem. I know in my open consciousness, I harbor no unforgiveness for anybody.

Being a Christian puts you in a different prospective. We can’t have unforgiveness, because of our inner self. We have the Holy Spirit to keep us from holding any unforgiveness. If we do harbor unforgiveness, it's our own choice, by allowing the flesh to rule us. 

By not holding any unforgiveness in my life, some of the worries or pressure of life is gone. When you have unforgiveness you are in bondage. Only when you get rid of the unforgiveness in your life as I have, that you can have that genuine peace that you can only get from Jesus. 
God is true to his word, we may have defects, but he is always with us. We may hold unforgiveness, but God will still meet our needs, but only until we deal with our unforgiveness that we can truly see how God’s blessings are much more abundant.